Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Productions and Prizes

The time is coming! Our film is in the works. Last class we spent a majority of the time planning specific aspects of our film, from camera angles to plot twists. I think we have a lot of surprising details in store. I’m not going to reveal too many of them to you, but maybe I’ll hint more and more each week!

Erik began telling us production details, and honestly it was a lot more complicated than I expected. His example was that if we were filming a shot on a public sidewalk with the Wendy’s logo in the background, then it would probably be fine. But if we were just one foot into Wendy’s property with their logo then we could be in major legal trouble. Erik recommended that we get permits and location agreements from certain businesses so that we don’t have any sort of issue. One of the locations we are considering filming is the summit of Pinnacle Mountain. I did some “investigative reporting” this past weekend and climbed the mountain with Destiny, and first of all I would like to say that it nearly killed me (ha-ha). I think I’m going to contact the Pinnacle park rangers and work out some sort of agreement if we decide to film there.

Our group has determined that our two main characters in our film will be Mariam and I. I’m pretty excited since I’ve always wanted to be an actor. I never had time in high school for drama and there just haven’t been any opportunities so far in college for me to really explore the world of acting. On a side note, I watched the Academy Awards the other night and I am now dying to watch The Hurt Locker! I think the fact that Kathryn Bigelow won Best Director is revolutionary in the film industry. So many young film makers, especially women, will have the courage to make films they would only dare to make before. I also feel that Sandra Bullock’s win was well deserved. Her performance was one of the most confident and genuine I have seen from an actress in a long time.

Honestly the thought of making a film is overwhelming at this point. I like our ideas so far and I feel confident with the team members who I’m working with, but it is all still so “up in the air” — another Academy Awards reference. George Clooney is a fox.


  1. You can always be bold and reckless like the folks who made the Oscar-winning short LOGORAMA, and didn't ask anybody's permission!

  2. I didn't get the chance to actually watch the Oscars, but I was very shocked to hear the winners. I think it's pretty impressive when an underdog wins the award. I believe that it truly inspires other unknown directors and producers to keep on working because anything is possible. George Clooney is a fox! He is probably one of the only older men that I find attractive! :)
